Monday 16 May 2016

Big "NO" to FRSC's double driving licence.

It is shocking that the Feder­al Road Safety Commission, FRSC has come out with dou­ble driving licence in Nigeria. Ac­cording to news report, the sup­posed new driving license will cost a whopping ten thousand Naira [N10,000.00] with the expi­ry date of five years; and will run parallel with the existing driving licence with three years as expiry date. Which country in the world has double driving licence? In fact renewal of driving licence must be abolished because education certif­icates are never renewed. This im­punity galore in Nigeria must stop.

Government should stop the brazen extortion in renewing driving license because it is total­ly uncalled for: once a driver, per­son remains a driver and has no need for renewing driving licence which presupposes re-retaining. It is lamentable that the present lead­ership of the FRSC did not wean itself from the naïve and mischie­vous mind set that characterized its past leadership whose stock-in-trade had been to come with grotesque proposals and sneak into Aso Rock Villa to crawl be­fore President Goodluck Jonathan to secure his blessings to go ahead with ‘creative and resourceful’ but crazy proposals which inflicted pri­vations on motorists.

Nigerians want the APC-led federal government to demon­strate a Spartan will to reinvent ide­al governance by restructuring the country to drastically reduce over-centralization of MDAs so as to di­versify the comatose economy and enable the constituent polities to re­gain their areas of legislation, pol­icies and projects which they lost due to the over-centralization done by the military regimes. It is crystal clear that there could not have been APC-federal government without the political sagacity and formida­ble financial war machine of the former Lagos state governor, Al­haji Ahmmed Tinubu. The “Lion of Boudillion and Jagaban” Kwara state never relented in his avow­al for restructuring of the lopsid­ed Nigeria to reinvent the invio­late principles of Federal system of government which were brazenly truncated by the aberrant military regimes and sustained by shame­less civilian government apologists.

Inherent in the envisaged re­structuring of the country as a step to True Federalism is decen­tralization of the MDAs with the review of the lopsided revenue allo­cation which made the federal gov­ernment to ware-house quantum funds that have been the root cause of mindless financial sleaze in the executive and legislative arms of government. Most of the feder­al laws that prohibit sub-national governments from exploring and exploiting the natural and miner­al resources within their territory should be amended. The shenani­gan of the minister of solid miner­als in ‘advising’ state governments to exploit the mineral resourc­es within their domain without first amending the federal laws is to maintain the covert agenda se­quel to the feudalization of the pol­ity since the demise of the first re­public.

The APC-led federal govern­ment must not be seen as a one-man show in which President Mu­hammadu Buhari will be acting as an autocrat and shun the recom­mendations of the 2014 Nation­al Conference which all Nigeri­ans participated and agreed that the pseudo federalism which the aberrant military clamped on the country has dragged it back-wards.

In reality, nobody is advocating an automatic going back to the sta­tus of the country as it was in the first republic with four regions- northern region, eastern region, mid-western region and western region. Rather, the will to realize that the only panacea to reverse the down-ward trajectory of the corporate fortunes of the country is to implement and reinvent the deliberately abandoned sacred and sacrosanct principles of federal sys­tem of government as practiced the world-over.

For instance in terms of security of lives and property, the deliberate failure of the police and the army to disarm the supposed Fulani herds­men along with their foreign allies has proven that Nigeria is a failed state since the primary duty of gov­ernment the world-over is security.
In Nigeria people who want to make use of guns must obtain li­cense but recently Fulani herds­men move about with guns with­out license and use them to invade Christian states in the middle-belt and southern parts of the country committing ferocious atrocities and bare-faced terrorism with AK-47 and sundry dangerous weap­ons. The clear message is that the country has to be restructured for the component units to have their own security apparatus and crim­inal justice system.
The blood-hounds are not re­lenting since they have seen that the police and the army are their allies.
The APC-led federal govern­ment should as a matter of na­tional emergency put measures in place to restructure the country to maintain “One Nigeria”. One of the first steps is to disband the FRSC and merge it with the police which will in turn be decentralized for state police. It is plain naivety for the leadership of the FRSC to frolic with the idea of raising the already conscienceless and over-bearing cost of driving license and vehicle number plates. The FRSC via Act 141 Laws of the Federation 1990 was established to complement the police in traffic management and never to be a revenue agent of the federal and state governments.

President Olusegun Obasanjo on 18th February 2000, merged the FRSC with the police. Sadly, the “Nigerian factor” led to court action even as some newspapers were influenced by the former leadership of the FRSC and they wrote flowering editorials on the ‘wonderful’ performance of the FRSC. It was the PUNCH newspa­per that supported President Oba­sanjo when it wrote inter-alia In its editorial: “The FRSC’s plan to roll out new drivers’ licenses and vehi­cle number plates may impose un­due hardship on motorists…it en­trenches centralization in violation of Nigeria’s status as a federation, where ideally, issuance of licenses should be left to the states…,the FRSC should therefore return to its glorious early days when its patrols, disciplined officials and volunteer reduced the carnage through pro­fessionalism and zero tolerance for corruption and extortion…Enough is enough for monstrous waste in the name federal govern­ment while the reality on ground is a Unitary Government in Nigeria”.

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